Hi! My name is Jemima, I’m married to Will and have two little monsters, Jasper (3) and Iris (10 months). I’m proud Army wife and very excited to bring SLAM to Aldershot! I first encountered SLAM when we moved to Leavenworth, Kansas, in 2017. After my first class I can honestly say there was no turning back. Prior to having children, I kept fit through gym visits and solo runs; the idea of group fitness was never my thing. Having come around to the idea of mum fitness groups in the UK and regained my fitness after having Jasper, I was keen to find something similar when we got to Leavenworth. After the first moment at SLAM, I was hooked.
The workouts were challenging, fun and engaging for children…exactly what I was looking for. What I hadn’t appreciated was what a special community of mums it was. A community of close friends that fell into my lap, and a community which I have never been sadder to say goodbye to. I never anticipated how much SLAM would become such a way of life, as well as a life line: comparisons of awful night’s sleep with teething babes; laughs of how ‘helpful’ other halves can be; and advice from others with elder children. I soon realized that this was an incredibly special group of women who were there to be a support to one another as well as keep fit.
I had our second baby in America and assumed that I would feel far from home and desperately wanting and needing family. Not a bit of it. I had my SLAM fam, whether it was meals for my family, late night trips to deliver nipple cream (we’ve all been there, right?!) or the Stars and Stripes adorning our house for our American baby when we returned from hospital, we couldn’t have felt more supported and loved by SLAM. Taking a tiny baby to class was daunting to begin with but I never once felt unable to alter workouts to accommodate a hungry baby or add an extra lap in to get that all important nap.
SLAM….It’s such a special place. I have never felt fitter and stronger, I push myself to do things I would never have done had I not joined and I am a better Mum because of it. I love that we demonstrate to our children how to be strong, fit and healthy, whilst having fun and making friendships for life – for them and me! The prospect of not having SLAM when we moved back to the UK filled me with dread…so here I am! I qualified as an instructor in February of this year and absolutely loved teaching classes at Leavenworth. I can’t wait to get SLAM Aldershot up and running and build a tribe of energetic, fit and strong Mums who want to have FUN!
Keep up with happenings at SLAM Aldershot on the webpage, Facebook and Instagram!
Jemima is inspirational! Join and find yourself laughing whilst you push yourself harder than you thought you could.