Hi, my name is Vian. I turned 31..no, 32 last month (I lost count after 25 years old :p). I was born and raised in China. I loved watching sports when I was young, but only participated when it was required by the school curriculum. During my senior year of high school, I fell in love with Tae Kwon Do. It was the first time I realized the power of sport and its impact on my lifestyle. The practice made me mentally and physically stronger. It also helped me get through the crazy intense Chinese SAT test preparation. I gained my blue belt after six months of practicing Tae Kwon Do. However, the journey of the Tae Kwon Do stopped when I moved to the Netherlands for my bachelor degree. Maybe because I was too busy studying? haha not exactly, traveling instead. Beautiful scenery, interesting culture, and so many things to explore. I have traveled to more than 10 countries during those four years, and taken more than ten thousand pictures lol.


There was a half year exchange program during my junior year at the university. I selected a school in San Antonio, Texas and it was where I met my husband Steve. Romance began and challenge came along, because we would start our long distance relationship after the exchange program ended. My plan was attend graduate school in San Antonio after graduating in Holland. However, Steve made a decision to take a contracting opportunity in Iraq, but didn’t have a definite date for his return. I ended up going to grad school in Seattle, and spent about two years there to earn my MBA degree. Why Seattle? Have you seen the movie Sleepless in Seattle? lol Time goes slow when you are away from your lover. To minimize the sleepless nights, I decided to try some new activities while I was studying full time. So I started playing golf and practicing yoga. Finally, I graduated and Steve finished his work in Iraq. In June 2009, we got married and I moved to San Antonio. Our first kid, Lincoln, arrived three years later. I have became a full-time mom since then. When Lincoln was four months old, we moved to Arlington, VA. for a contract Steve was working on. Then our daughter, Lynette, came two years later.


I enjoyed motherhood, but felt lonely at the same time. I didn’t have any friends here and wanted to meet some new friends, especially someone in a similar stage of life as me. Friends that would understand that it’s not easy being a mom, and won’t judge me for wanting to run away from my kids sometimes. After Lynette was born, I also found myself getting tired easily and always feel lack of energy. So I knew it was time to be more active, but I couldn’t find the right time to work out with two kids. Even an hour of yoga practice seemed like luxury.


I drove by the park one day and saw this amazing group-Stroller Strong Moms. They were working out with other moms and watching their kids at the same time? What a great idea! That was exactly what I was looking for. So I went online and signed up for a free class right after I got home. The first class was intimidating because of the high intensity of the workouts. Honestly, I was struggling before I came to class for the first couple of weeks. However, all of the instructors were good at making the classes fun and challenging, and every SLAMer was friendly and encouraging. This is what keeps me coming back. SSM is now a part of my life, and I look forward to going to every class. I am inspired to get stronger and stay active. After finishing my first 5K and winning 2nd place in the yoga-run challenge, I have accomplished something that I never thought I would.


I am so grateful to have met such a wonderful group of strong and caring women. Stroller Strong Moms filled the emptiness that used to be in my life. The best part is that I’ve gain friendships and support from the group. On top of that, SSM takes my fitness life to a whole new level. Now I enjoy working out and pushing myself harder and harder each time.
