Hello SLAM fam!

I am thrilled to officially step into the role of your new SLAM boss of Monterey, CA! My name is Morgan, and I’m beyond excited to join this amazing community of strong, inspiring women—and to finally have a legit reason to wear workout clothes all day long.

A little about me: I’ve been married to my best friend and husband, Adolfo, for 8 years. Together, we have two beautiful children—our energetic 2-year-old son Liam, and our wild 1-year-old daughter Addison.

After having Liam, I found myself struggling with anxiety. I used to love going to the gym, but I felt so guilty leaving him at home, especially when I was working full-time. It was tough trying to balance my love for fitness with the overwhelming responsibilities of being a new mom. Picture me trying to do push-ups while simultaneously feeling like the world’s worst mom for just wanting an hour to myself!

Then I discovered SLAM while on maternity leave with Addison, and I immediately knew I wanted to be part of this incredible community of moms who were working out with their little ones in tow. I still remember my first class—Addison started crying mid workout and a coach swooped in like a mom superhero and asked if they could hold her so I could finish my exercise. Addison ended up falling asleep in their arms, and I knew right then that SLAM was where I belonged.

After spending 8 years trying to convince the Army to keep our family stationed together, we ultimately decided that it would be best for me to transition out of the military. This transition to civilian life has given me the amazing opportunity to open SLAM Monterey and bring this empowering, baby-holding, mom-cheering community to my new home.

I am honored to now have the chance to lead SLAM Monterey, and I can’t wait to continue building our community together. I believe there is a place for everyone at SLAM—whether you’re rocking yoga pants, mismatched socks, or your toddler’s breakfast. Every BODY is welcome at SLAM Monterey, and I can’t wait to sweat, laugh, and conquer this crazy mom life with all of you!

Stay updated by following us on Facebook and Instagram!