Where We SLAM
Shelby Park
Shelby Bottoms Nature Center and Greenway
****Spring/Summer Location
Shelby Park is nestled in the heart of East Nashville and has everything we need for a killer S.L.A.M. workout: a huge green space for sprints and strength work, running paths to get those strollers moving, picnic tables for step ups, a playground for the kiddos, and even a view of the Cumberland River.
Parking & Start Location
We meet in the empty field to the left of the Shelby Lower Playground, located by the river off of Davidson Ave, next to Vinny Links Golf Course and the baseball fields. Several parking spots line Davidson Ave along with a parking lot at the playground.
Questions? Contact Becca & Cortney.
S.L.A.M. At Home
S.L.A.M. The Alarm
Tuesday & Friday | 5:30am – 6:15am
Questions? Contact Becca & Cortney.
Mana Sports Club
3030 Dickerson Pike, Nashville, TN 37207
****Winter Location
Monday – Friday | 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Parking & Start Location
We will be moving indoors this winter at Mana. We will have access to two indoor soccer fields side by side, allowing ample room to spread out and maintain a safe distance while getting a good sweat session in. The parking lot is gated–enter through the white gates, go past a small building on your left, and Mana is the next building on the left. The building is shared space. Park before you get to the row of flags and enter through the first set of double doors on the left.
Questions? Contact Becca & Cortney.
Mana Sports Club
Shelby Park
SLAM Bosses

Cortney Hawks | slamnashville@sweatlikeamother.com
Cortney Hawks is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and is certified in CPR/AED through AHA. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Spanish. A transplant from Charleston, SC she moved to Nashville in 2016, discovering SLAM in 2019 after her second was born. She grew up playing soccer competitively, coaching and reffing local soccer leagues, leading excursions as a camp counselor, and has always had a passion for connecting with others. Pre-SLAM, Cortney spent her days managing for Athleta and overseeing their local community involvement. She immediately found home when she found SLAM. She found a tribe to navigate through motherhood and find balance with. And the amount of strength and camaraderie felt from a group of women she had just met was unmeasurable. Cortney is thrilled to have the opportunity to impact others in the same manner. She and her husband Jon are proud parents of two children and love to explore. Her favorite ways to sweat like a mother are S.L.A.M. classes, hiking, and biking.
Single Class Pass
- Perfect for dropping in on a class from time to time
- Expires after 1 use
5 Class Pass
- Good for those planning to attend class biweekly
- Expires 2 months after purchase
10 Class Pass
- A great option for attending class once a week
- Expires 2 months after purchase
Monthly Unlimited
- Perfect for attending class often
- Cancel at any time with 2 weeks notice, pregnant moms may place a hold
The Nashville Team

Cortney Hawks (Owner & Coach)
Cortney Hawks is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and is certified in CPR/AED through AHA. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Spanish. A transplant from Charleston, SC she moved to Nashville in 2016, discovering SLAM in 2019 after her second was born. She grew up playing soccer competitively, coaching and reffing local soccer leagues, leading excursions as a camp counselor, and has always had a passion for connecting with others. Pre-SLAM, Cortney spent her days managing for Athleta and overseeing their local community involvement. She immediately found home when she found SLAM. She found a tribe to navigate through motherhood and find balance with. And the amount of strength and camaraderie felt from a group of women she had just met was unmeasurable. Cortney is thrilled to have the opportunity to impact others in the same manner. She and her husband Jon are proud parents of two children and love to explore. Her favorite ways to sweat like a mother are S.L.A.M. classes, hiking, and biking.
Katherine Gomez
Katherine is an ACE Certified Group Fitness instructor and is certified in CPR/AED through AHA. Moving away from NYC and her large family and friends in January of 2019 to begin setting roots in Nashville was a bigger challenge than Kathrine could have ever imagined. Until…she messaged SLAM and attended her first class in March 2019. Since then, Katherine and her3 kids rarely miss a class or an opportunity to give a shout-out to all the hardworking mamas! Katherine’s pure joy at helping others get stronger and find community within SLAM is contagious. But don’t let her welcoming smile, quick one-liner jokes or shout-outs fool you, she will make you Sweat Like a Mother!
Cindy Nicoletto
Cindy is a native of the wonderful state of Indiana, mother of 3, & lover of all things fitness & health. Moving to Nashville in 2011 with her husband, CIndy found herself needing a new community. After her first two children were born, she found SLAM Nashville – it’s here that she found new purpose, identity, and accountability through goals in a community that she was understood in. She is an ACE certified group fitness instructor & CPR/AED certified though AHA. She has a huge passion for a good challenge, and believes that the challenge should always be fun, you just need to believe in yourself!!