Our very own Stroller Strong Mom’s instructor, Rebecca Paull, is the editor of ‘her’ magazine! In the May issue, Reba highlighted Stroller Strong Moms with an amazing article explaining what makes SSM so wonderful. Thank you Reba!
Hey Stroller Strong Moms! Did you know you can earn money for a charity when you walk, run or bike?! Pretty amazing right?! The app called Charity Miles allows us to do just that! All you’ve got to do is download the app, open it, choose a charity, and press...
What a great year for Stroller Strong Moms! As a group of strong and motivated moms, we sure accomplished a lot! January/February through March/April, Columbus and Savannah moms participated in Get Fit for 2014. The challenge consisted of both fitness and body...
Hey Stroller Strong Moms, We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website!!! Isn’t it SLAM’in??!! We hope you enjoy all that it has to offer including its mobile friendly interface, full location and instructor info, new way to shop for SLAM...
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