Outdoor Fitness for Moms is BACK in Monterey!

Outdoor Fitness for Moms is BACK in Monterey!

Hello SLAM fam! I am thrilled to officially step into the role of your new SLAM boss of Monterey, CA! My name is Morgan, and I’m beyond excited to join this amazing community of strong, inspiring women—and to finally have a legit reason to wear workout clothes all day...
I was Dragged to my First Class

I was Dragged to my First Class

Stroller Strong Moms SLAMer of the Month – Julia Larsen My name is Julia Larsen and I have been SLAMing since February of 2017. I am a military spouse with two, (soon to be three) kids and have lived in Monterey since November of 2016.  I have to be honest when...
SLAM Out of the Darkness

SLAM Out of the Darkness

July S.L.A.M.er of the Month – Maureen DeAntonio Hi! I’m Maureen and I’ve been SLAMing in Monterey since October 2017. I am married to Tom, an Army Reservist/Colorado State Trooper, and we have a son, Conor, who is 15 months old. Growing up I was very active; I...