S.L.A.M. Times


Don’t Let Your Cycle Throw You for a Loop

Don’t Let Your Cycle Throw You for a Loop

“Man! I feel like a Woman!” Shania Twain Remember that song?  “The best thing about being a lady Is the prerogative to have a little fun” There are so many wonderful aspects of being a woman - one we celebrate here on the regular - being a mama. Not only do we get to...

You Are What You Sleep

You Are What You Sleep

I like to live by the motto “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”, but really that just means I don’t take naps or sleep past 7 am. In reality, I live for my 8 hours of sleep. A consistent good night’s sleep is imperative; if you don’t get enough, you could be shortening your...

SLAM is Coming to the Holy City!

SLAM is Coming to the Holy City!

Hi! I’m Megan, owner of SLAM Charleston! I am mom to two wild and crazy boys, Peter age 6 and Patrick age 2. I have an ACE Group Fitness certification, an ACE Fitness Nutrition certification, a Run Coach certification through Road Runners Clubs of America, and a...

If You’ve Bean Missing Meat, Find Some Peas

If You’ve Bean Missing Meat, Find Some Peas

Bean. Peas. Pun intended. While everyone has been buying milk and eggs, I have been stocking up on sweet potatoes and cauliflower. Before you roll your eyes, this isn’t me lecturing you to load up on veggies during these tough times. Confession: in the last ten days,...

One Simple Trick to Improve your Nutrition

One Simple Trick to Improve your Nutrition

Hey mamas! I know how busy you are with all the things so I wanted to give you a trick to help you improve your nutrition. Don't worry, it's not gulping down kale smoothies or fasting for 72 hours. It's much easier! It's referred to as "habit stacking." I first heard...

Be Who You Want Them To Be

Be Who You Want Them To Be

January Member of the Month - Stacy Lyons Everyone at S.L.A.M. Columbia loves Stacy and everything she does for our babies! She invites everyone to her home for play dates and brings amazing structured activities that moms and babies can learn from. She’s a true...

There’s only one way to sweat…
like a mother.