#SLAMstoke in the Bull City!

#SLAMstoke in the Bull City!

Hey! Kristen Buchanan here, purveyor of #slamstoke and former Stroller Strong Moms Savannah Instructor! I’m so pumped to be joining the SLAM Boss team as I open the 24th Stroller Strong Moms affiliate in the Bull City – Durham, North Carolina! For as long as I...
Sweat Like a Mother… In Paradise

Sweat Like a Mother… In Paradise

Hey mamas! I’m Amy Habrack. I am an active mother and wife of two super special kiddos, and a firefighter husband! Vanessa(7) is our first child, and Beau(3) finished off our little family of 4! We live in what I constantly refer to as “Paradise”, which is also known...